J. Rockett Audio Designs

J.Rockett The Dude V2 Distortion


Singing, complex Dumble sounds with this compact distortion from J. Rockett!

The Dumble Overdrive special is perhaps the world's most sought after and mythical amp. It is therefore not surprising that many pedal brands have wanted to make the magic and sound of this unattainable circuit accessible in a distortion pedal. The J. Rockett The Dude V2 was designed after a thorough inspection of an original Overdrive Special and it shows: this pedal has everything you're looking for in this circuit!

The Dude V2 gives you a full, creamy and complex overdrive that's perfect for single note work, adding a round, velvety crack to your rhythm guitar. If you're going for the more rocking stuff, don't be afraid to throw the ratio knob all the way up, because the Dude V2 sounds fantastic in every setting.

A nice addition is the Deep button, which can add - or remove - extra low-mids. Ideal when you're chasing a 4x12 cabinet-like "thump", or when you want to tame a bassy amp a bit.

Effect Type: Overdrive/Distortion
Controls: Volume, Level, Ratio, Treble, Deep
Connectors: 1/4" Input & Output Jack, 9v Input