
Strymon Flint v2


They're finally here: The renewed compact series pedals from Strymon! Complete with loads of new features.

The Strymon Flint has received quite an upgrade. First, the pedal now has full MIDI integration. A second upgrade is the improved ARM DSP Chip, which makes the Reverb and Tremolo Emulation even more lifelike and spacious. In addition, you have access to a pre-delay, so that you can place the reverb exactly as you wish in the mix. And thanks to the analog JFET input, your tone stays intact better than ever before.

Effect type: Reverb
Controls: Intensity, Speed, Decay, Color, Mix
Connections: In, Out L, Out R, EXP/MIDI, Mono/Stereo, USB
Current Draw: 300mA